How WalkinVR software for the disabled works

How WalkinVR software for the disabled works

WalkinVR software is tailored to accommodate different types of mobility and neurological limitations. We are constantly working on new solutions so that more and more people can indulge in entertainment from the world of Virtual Reality. Below we highlight 4 modes in which you can play popular VR games with the help of our system.

1. Gameplay and VR gaming with the help of another person

What difficulties does the player face?

Limited mobility – cannot press buttons on the VR controller. Causes may include cerebral palsy, tetraplegia, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy and stroke, among others.


The solution to the above obstacles is assisted gameplay. For the game to run smoothly, a third party uses the Xbox controller to emulate the buttons of the VR controller and adjust the position in VR. In this way, it supports the movements and decisions made by the player.

2. Virtual motion and rotation

What difficulties does the player face?

Limited mobility – not being able to quickly change your body position or location. Reasons may include being in a wheelchair or having to lie in bed.

Our software allows you to perform virtual movements and rotations using controllers. This allows the player to easily kneel, stand up or change their position on the board without having to physically move.

3. Adjusting the position of the controller in virtual reality

What difficulties does the player face?

Muscle weakness – not being able to perform the full movement or gesture required by the game. This can be caused by spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy, stroke, or cerebral palsy.


WalkinVR allows you to adjust the position and range of motion of the controllers to the individual needs of the player. This way, despite the above-mentioned handicaps, he can perform the encountered tasks without any problem.

4. Tracking of disabled or spastic hands

What difficulties does the player face?

Inability to hold controllers – prevents a person from properly performing the actions required by a game. This can be caused by spasticity, impaired hand function, cerebral palsy, or tetraplegia, among other things.


This problem can be solved by using Kinect. The device detects hands with limited functionality or spasticity and tracks their movements. As a result, there is no need to own or use controllers to progress through a VR game.

Each person performing virtual reality movements actually undergoes a real physical workout, supporting physiotherapy activities in the gym. This is in addition to rehabilitation. An interesting phenomenon was observed among the participants – the person focused on the virtual world gaming task is much bolder when it comes to real world movements both during VR gameplay and later during functional therapy in the gym. Avalon Foundation (WalkinVR users since 2018)

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